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Stencil and drawing

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Stencil Stuff - 236 ml New
Stencil Stuff - 236 ml

For longer lasting stress free precision tattoo stencils. For crisp and sharper transfer. Can reapply stencil image if needed. No need to...

23,00 €
Stencil Forte Solution 250ml New
Stencil Forte Solution 250ml

Forte solution allows you to obtain long-lasting and resistant stencils. The polygonal lattice molecular structure allows the stencil to be fixed...

22,00 €
Stencil Forte Solution 100 ml New
Stencil Forte Solution 100 ml

Forte solution allows you to obtain long-lasting and resistant stencils. The polygonal lattice molecular structure allows the stencil to be fixed...

11,00 €
Stencil Delete – Blowice 200 ml New
Stencil Delete – Blowice 200 ml

This product has been designed by the best Italian tattoo artists.In fact, Stencil Delete is a liquid specially created to effectively remove...

10,60 €
Thermalcopier A4
Thermalcopier A4

NEW Thermal Copiers / Imagers A4 Before you start please remove the transportation locks as shown here! Forgetting this might damage the machine - not covered by warranty!

875,00 €
Stampante Termica a Batteria per Stencil Original OZER Wireless Bluetooth New
Stampante Termica a Batteria per Stencil Original OZER Wireless Bluetooth

This OZER Bluetooth printer is a practical and simple to use thermocopier to print the stencil with a very detailed quality. Thanks to Bluetooth...

266,00 €

Direct Brother thermal printer for A4 size. Portable! USB connection You can make high resolution stencils by printing your sketches...

458,00 €
Spirit® Classic Thermal Roll New
Spirit® Classic Thermal Roll

Spirit® Classic Thermal Roll• 100 continuous feet of Spirit® Thermal Paper!• Compatible with all thermal printers• Consistant, high...

43,00 €
Refill tattoo pen - red
Refill tattoo pen - red

Waverly pens have nickel-spun tips and are made in the U.S.A., made-to-stay, and available in 4 colors! Black, Red, Blue and Green!

2,00 €
Refill tattoo pen -black
Refill tattoo pen -black

Waverly pens have nickel-spun tips and are made in the U.S.A., made-to-stay, and available in 4 colors! Black, Red, Blue and Green!

2,00 €
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